Monday, May 16, 2011

Summer Workshop

Originally, I decided to take this summer workshop so I could be that much closer to graduation, but that changed once I realized how helpful this workshop is actually going to be for me in the end.

I was talking to a friend of mine about how much we don't really know about our cameras when we walk into Photo I. Personally, I realized a while back that when I didn't know anything about my camera - merely played with the options to see what it could it do, I got "better pictures."

I use this loosely because I know most of those photos were awful, the subject matter was soft, if not downright uninteresting to say the least, but that photo was better because it was different.

Instead of doing something pointed and ridged, I was actually just having fun. Sometimes it's nice to just take a picture, look at the back of your camera, and go, "Damn! I didn't know it could do that!" I can't speak for anyone else, but I feel wide-eyed and curious all over again.

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