Friday, May 6, 2011


As much as I like a challenge, I have to admit, I was extremely intimidated by my Applied Studio class. In the end, though, I now have my own studio strobes and I want to apply for an Amazon job after I graduate this December. It's kind of funny, in high school, I loved creating still lifes when I couldn't sleep and it kept me busy instead of over-thinking why I couldn't sleep. During my senior year, for one reason or another, I stopped making them and started photographing people instead - mainly myself for convenience - and now it's coming back around and I'm turning back to photographing objects. I think it's the simplicity in it and how disconnected from everything I become and instead, I just worry about the photograph. These are the photos I used for my class final. We were required a self portrait in William Coupon style lighting, a jewelry shot, that jewelry shot on a model, a product shot, and a food shot.

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